Why I Publicly Pledged to Give Away 10% of My Income

[vc_row columns=”1″][vc_column css=”%7B%22default%22%3A%7B%22max-width%22%3A%22850px%22%2C%22margin-left%22%3A%22auto%22%2C%22margin-right%22%3A%22auto%22%7D%7D”][us_post_title][vc_column_text] It feels like there is a lot going wrong in the world at the moment. Disastrous wars, pandemics, climate problems – the list is endless.
Why I now Specialise in Helping Charities & Non-Profits With Digital Marketing

One of the problems with freelancing is that it can be hard to draw a thread through the various different projects and work you do.